Brian Cohen

Chartered Accountant



My name is Brian Cohen.  I am a chartered accountant, based in north London.  I have an accountancy practice.


This website is intended for prospective clients of my accountancy firm.  It is a one-page website that enables prospective clients to:

•   download a guide to my accountancy practice;

•   submit any questions they want to ask me before they decide whether they want my accountancy firm to undertake any accountancy work for them; and

•   download the enquiry form that I ask prospective clients to complete and return if they want me to consider undertaking any accountancy work for them.



Who are my accountancy services aimed at?


My accountancy services are aimed at:

•   small service-based businesses; and

•   individuals who need to complete annual self-assessment tax returns for themselves, a partnership, a trust or the estate of a deceased individual.



What are the main types of accountancy work that I undertake?


The main types of accountancy work that I undertake are:

•   bookkeeping (preparation of books of account);

•   preparation of VAT returns;

•   preparation of annual accounts*; and

•   preparation of self-assessment tax returns.


*   I can prepare annual accounts for individuals and partnerships.  I do not prepare final annual accounts (or tax returns) for limited companies or limited liability partnerships (LLPs).  However, I can prepare draft annual accounts for a company or LLP, ready for finalisation by another accountancy firm.



High-quality accountancy services at reasonable prices


I provide high-quality accountancy services at reasonable prices.  I do this by:
•   providing a personal service (I carry out all of my firm’s accountancy work myself);
•   providing a professional service;
•   providing a visiting service;
•   providing efficient accountancy services; and
•   charging reasonable fees for my accountancy services.



Where am I willing to offer a visiting service?
I am willing to offer a visiting service in the following postcode districts:
•   N1, N2, N3, N6, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14, N20 and N21.
•   NW1, NW3, W1, WC1, WC2, EC1, EC2 and EC3.
•   EN4 and EN5.
•   Any other postcode districts where I am willing to provide a visiting service.
Please note that, in some cases, I may not be willing to provide a visiting service in the whole of a postcode district in which I offer a visiting service.



What to do next if you are interested in appointing me to undertake any accountancy work for you


If you are interested in appointing me to undertake any accountancy work for you, please follow the instructions included in the sections below.

Do you want detailed information that will help you to decide whether you want me to undertake any accountancy work for you?
If you want detailed information that will help you to decide whether you want me to undertake any accountancy work for you, please read my guide to my accountancy practice.  You can download this guide as a PDF file.
To download the guide, click or tap on the following download link:
Do you want to ask me any questions before you decide whether you want me to undertake any accountancy work for you?
If you want to ask me any questions before you decide whether you want me to undertake any accountancy work for you, please submit your questions via the contact form included below.  I will then reply to you in due course.
Do you want me to consider undertaking any accountancy work for you?
If you want me to consider undertaking any accountancy work for you, please fill in my ‘Enquiry form to gather information from a prospective client’ and send your completed form to me.  I will then contact you in due course.
My ‘Enquiry form to gather information from a prospective client’ is available as a Microsoft Word file and a PDF file.  You can fill in the Microsoft Word version of the form using Microsoft Word.  Alternatively, you can print a paper copy of the PDF version of the form and fill it in by hand.  If you cannot print a paper copy of the PDF version of the form, I can provide you with one.
To download the Microsoft Word version of the form, click or tap on the following download link:
To download the PDF version of the form, click or tap on the following download link:

Contact form


If you wish to contact me, you can use the following contact form to send me a message.

Required fields are marked *
Yellow-and-blue-tinted monochrome photo showing a basic electronic calculator with a printed page of financial information on a desk
Brian Cohen business card – Website version
ICAEW Chartered Accountant logo
Page TR 1 of the SA100 2024 self-assessment tax return form
Page TR 2 of the SA100 2024 self-assessment tax return form